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"I am very grateful to Jerry Hesch, the creator of the Hesch Method, for helping me live a life without pain. Without the knowledge and skills that I have learned from doing this work,

I know that I would be in chronic pain like many of the clients that have come to me for help, and like them, have achieved relief through this method.


I am forever thankful for having stumbled across his videos on YouTube while looking for solutions for my own pain after years of other treatments. I believe that this method should be THE assessment tool for all joint pain in order to rule out and treat misalignment as a cause and to restore proper movement through the pelvis, SI joints, and the rest of the body.


Thank you Jerry so much for your pioneering work in this field."


Sophie Hawkins

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"One of My Greatest Joys in Life is to Share the Tried and Tested Healing Benefits and Ancient Wisdom Of Thai Massage, Ayurveda, and the Hesch Method."


call Sophie @ +52 446 103 5679

Hidalgo 27 A, Ajijic, Lake Chapala, Mexico

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a 40 minute video on Cooking with the Six Tastes

Lokah samastah sukhino bhavantu.’ a sanskrit sloka meaning—

May Peace & Happiness Prevail Everywhere.

To Contact Sophie:  WhatsApp +52 446 103 5679
 Hidalgo 27, Lake Chapala (Ajijic), Mexico

site created and managed by Sophie Hawkins

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